Chiltern Bonsai Society


2025 Programme:

January 13th

AGM and Awards

Pint and a snack

The Britannia, Little Marlow Rd, Marlow SL7 1HL

February 10th

*Tree rescue repot

Ground grown trees to be repotted

Some may be for sale: 50% to club, 50% to Bob's charities

Bring own trees too


Sunday 16th February

Swindon Winter Image 2024

Grange Leisure Centre, Grange Drive, Stratton St Margaret, Swindon SN3 4JY

March 10th

*Repotting workshop

Pot sale - bring any pots you no longer need, to sell to interested members

April 14th

*Spring Workshop


Sunday 13th April

UKBA ExpoBonsai UK 2024

K2 Leisure Centre, Pease Pottage Hill, Crawley, West Sussex. RH11 9BQ

May 12th

Bob's Junipers Event

Re-style tutorial and practice

June 9th

*Pre-show tree preparation

Tree selection for show


Sunday June 15th


Chiltern Bonsai Show

Liston Hall - Marlow

Admission £3

Under-16 free

July 14th

Guest speaker

Speaker: TBA

August 11th

Garden Party

Hosted by Caroline Scott

Check Whatsapp group for venue details or contact Mike

September 8th

*Autumn Workshop

Get advice, improve your trees


Sunday October 5th

Heathrow Show 10-4pm

- we will be exhibiting here too

Bracknell Leisure Centre,Bagshot Road, Bracknell,Berkshire, RG12 9SE.

October 13th

Guest speaker:TBA


Non-members £5

November 10th

*Winter Image Discussion

Developing the tree's structure, especially Deciduous ones

December 8th

Xmas bash

The Britannia, Little Marlow Rd, Marlow SL7 1HL

Booked for 7.30pm

January 13th


AGM and Awards

Pint and a snack

The Britannia, Little Marlow Rd, Marlow SL7 1HL

Location: All of our meetings are at Booker Hall except where stated in the diary entry.

Speakers: Where we have Guest speakers, we will charge non-members a £5 door fee to help cover costs which would otherwise fall on our members themselves.

* Workshops: Our meetings are workshop based unless otherwise noted. The meetings may have a seasonal theme for guidance, but feel free to bring along any tree that needs help or development.

If you wish to join us or find out more contact us